I am just now realizing that I am living in the home of the idiotic! America has hoodrat priorities in regards to it’s current agenda. Somewhere somebody found it MORE THAT NECESSARY to find out where if our President Barack Obama is in fact an American citizen. Here’s a quick newsflash, we all should have learned this in high school, you cannot be President of the United States if you are not born as an American! That’s the rule! Plain and simple no exceptions we do not care who you are! When I say America has “hoodrat priorities” I mean that they focus on things that no one in the right mind would think twice or give two shits about when you look at what hardships our country is faced with. Starting with the war! we have been overseas fighting a battle of who knows what since damn near the beginning of the 2000’s! We have yet to find a single weapon of mass destruction or that “Where’s Waldo’ wannabe Osama Bin Laden, but we can take time out of the agenda to look for the President’s birth certificate right? Second thing, the cost of gas and oil! People cannot afford to drive damn near two miles without having to pour out pieces of their life savings and a tiny part of their soul when filling up at the pump. Instead of find a solution to get gas to not match the price of cigarettes our government would rather find out if our President is a foreigner. Truth be told, if Obama was born in another country who would really care? I know for damn sure these government officials wouldn’t! These are the same people who almost let Arnold Schwarzenegger go to court and somehow change the law that says you must be an American-born citizen to be the President of this country right? The sad thing is that mans whole campaign was built on hope and change when in reality that hope has diminished nothing has changed when it comes to who is politicking this country of ours…we are obviously on the same ol thing we were back when Bush was in office. Sidenote: if George W. Bush was born in hell what the fuck does it matter where President Obama was born?!