I am back! New attitude, new outlook on life, and new posts coming for y'all! The past couple weeks have been far tougher than I could have ever imagined. I finally got myself a car, 99 grey Nissan Sentra, named Kalmia. I don't really know why I named it that...I saw the name on 16Th street in DC and I just really liked the name. The car has been a bit stressful as far as maintenance goes...I mean the engine runs superb, but the body was a bit banged out. Luckily some asshole hit me at a McDonald's drive thru and I was able to take the money the insurance company gave me, after being stifling little assholes about the ordeal, (FUCK PROGRESSIVE INSURANCE COMPANY! I don't care how nice that weird lady is on the commercial) and hook my car up with some body work. My household has not been the most peaceful place to stay, since my mom put my little sister out for fucking up once again. At least I can say that my sister is in a far better place than PG County though. I find it sad that a majority of these teenage girls in PG County are far too fast and trusting when dealing with sex and who they interact with. I do not know what the standard is in these young girls minds when it comes to choosing dudes to date or even consider talkin to. I may sound like an old ass man as you are reading this, but what ever happened to decency? What ever happened to good hygiene? What the hell happened to CHIVALRY! I swear, as an avid user of public transportation, it pisses me the fuck off the the fullest extent when I see a train full of people, and there are women standing and men sitting down as if it is okay. Stand your ass up and let that woman sit down! The sad part is some of the dudes sitting down act as if they are entitled to sit there before a woman. My grandma would have tore me a new asshole if she saw that I didn't give up my seat to a woman or better yet, a woman carrying a child. When I do give up my seat on the bus or train the other people look at me as if I have lost my Goddamn mind! fuck off! I'm sorry for doing the right thing, I just feel wrong if I don't, and I have this annoying little old woman sitting on my shoulder yelling in my ear saying "nigga you better get up before I make you get up and go cut a switch!" Don't sit there and act like you never had to cut your OWN SWITCH for YOUR OWN ASS WHOOPING! My grandma did not play that bullshit when it came to me, my brother, and my sister and how we treated people. But back to the issue of dating standards. These days it seems like the more you disrespect yourself and other people, the more people are attracted to you...or are they attracted to the thought of the amount of attention they may get while they are with a person like that? Nobody enjoys a chase of someone worth having anymore. It's like fastfood, everybody wants to eat, but nobody wanst to put time in the kitchen to cook up a healthy meal that will last a few days and do teh body, so they resort to soemthing cheap, unhealthy, quick, and easy to satisfy their hunger. Whatever the excuse may be, it is a fucking shame! There is nothing more heartbreaking and disappointing than decent person with the most rowdy, loud, rude, and obnoxious being imaginable. i can't help but look at myself in the mirror and ask "damn what the fuck are you doing wrong Mr. Wright?' But this is typical in the area I'm from...The DMV (DC, Maryland, Virginia). I would be asinine to think that these standards existed only in the DMV; I'm sure it exists in other cities, it's probably worldwide, but I do not know of other places, just here. I remember last semester at my old school PGCC, Go OWLS! (Prince George's Community College) my club (GEEK) held a forum called "Battle of the Sexes" to debate issues that come up between men and women all too often. Typical PGCC, we got some of the most dumbass responses from a few men on the panel, and the women answered in the most basic annoying fashion. Turns out that they liked bad boys...I mean everybody wants somebody with a little edge, but I would hope that they wouldn't want a person with a jail record, more than one baby mama, and zero respect for the English language (I hate people who have terrible grammar)...I was so wrong. But people are going to like what they like regardless of all the signs that display how bad it is for your are hanging right in their faces or not, like cigarettes. I will admit, I miss my sister and I hope she gets back on the right path. We all hurt, but there is a certain line that you do not cross to express your frustration. My mom is stressing over the issue, which is understandable. The whole ordeal was unbelievable, lots of words exchanged, about 95% of them were hurtful...and the fact that all of this shit happened on a Sunday was even more disturbing. It is not like I do not know where my sister is, she's in VA with my dad's side of the fam, and knowing them, they are gonna straighten her ass out just right. I think that's called TOUGH LOVE. I think more people need that kind of love, I honestly believe our society is so damn bad because of these nonchalant parents raising these bad ass kids however the kids desire to be raised. It's like they scared to whip they kid ass! Punk ass laws n shit about what is and what isn't appropriate in regards to raising kids. Half these politicians who make these laws and sign these bills know damn well they hate the fact that putting their kid in "time-out" did nothing more than bring their kid up to be hooked on hard drugs, have unwanted pregnancies, or commit suicide. Time-out is for BEOTCHES! I am so glad to be back writing and posting more blogs. I have literally been too stressed to write, but day by day, things are getting much better. It feels good to be back feeling good.
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