After watching that fuckery of a movie 'The Craigslist Killer on Lifetime...of all networks to watch which I am still in amazement about, I have come to the brash conclusion that people have too much fucking time time on their hands devoted to the internet and create the opportunity for the internet to ruin potentially great things to come. People are so hooked to the internet like its digital crack. (which it is) I have seen countless talk shows and news studies that discuss and show how people are losing jobs, money, family, and even relationships (can you believe this shit?!) all because they do not know how to simply sign the fuck off of the internet and live in the real world from time to time. I have even witnessed it first hand how people will literally procrastinate doing things like homework, eat, sleep, and love because of the internet. I cannot sit here and act like I ignored a few homework assignments because what I was doing in Facebook and Twitter was far more interesting, but still I know when to buckle down and sign the hell off. Old folks hate it, our young generation love and adore it...but all things that can be done online are not always best. For example relationships, take it from me...I met my last two girlfriends on a social site...no shame in admitting that...they were awesome...then after the honeymoon stage...well you know how that goes. Things just become so difficult and you cannot help but sit and wonder what the hell happened to that person that was so amazing in the beginning. After those experiences I'm not going to count out online dating or anything, but I will take MORE time to get to know the person before I nose dive into a disaster. It's like after you have been through two online relationships gone sour you can't help but sit behind your screen and laugh to yourself at the people who are trying to find their soul mates on Facebook and Twitter...hell even MySpace if they still use it. You see it all the time, dudes going at females online with sexy, sweet, and provocative profile pictures not realizing two very important things. 1. If you do so happen to get her out on a date once you get her number, then what? because let's face it majority of guys online are on the hunt for quick and "easy pussy". They can sit there and talk a big game online and throw as many sweet compliments to the girl as the want, but somewhere down the line the hidden agenda will come to light. But I digress...if she does let the guy have sex with her what is that saying about her & him? Oh I don't know...maybe he or she has fucked a few other people offline on the first meeting...can't even call it a date...just like you. 2. Most dudes fail to realize that just because the girl is looking like a video vixen in her profile picture does not mean that underneath all that glitz and glamor there is not a brain present...or so we would hope. I do not know what "easy" looks like, but I can get some sort of image in my head based on what I have seen some of my friends go at while we're out or at a party and stuff. I don't know...I tweet it often as I can just so the people that follow do not forget that "Twitter is not eHarmony or Match.com!" Now it is one thing to be killed romantically in the hands of the internet, but how the hell do you let that keep you from getting a job?! Isn't that where all the companies making you apply anyway these days? (I love this concept because it is eco-friendly!) All that time people spend watching YouTube, Worldstarhiphop, and horoscopes you would think they could take some time out of their browsing session to go ahead and fill out a few fucking applications!...but not everyone thinks like that. Downloading all that fucking music! How about you download a job motherfucker! Friendships...well they must not be too strong of friendships if you let gossip via Facebook and subtweets break up a bond that is suppose to be as strong as duct tape. You see it time and time again, two people going at it through wall posts or tweets verbally abusing the holy fuck out of each other, for most people it is great entertainment, which it is, but people are really missing the big picture..which is...what ever happened to doing this over the phone...or better yet face to face...and no I'm not talking about that cool ass feature the new iPhone has! People do not give a damn about privacy anymore...I mean i sit up here on my blog and tell stories of my life because I am conscious and comfortable enough to know the information I give out here is not damaging...and if it is so what!They are funny!...or so people tell me. But when you are arguing publicly arguing with someone so all of your friends and followers (which majority of the time are people you never even said hello to, you just have a lot too seem cool) can see your dirty laundry you look immature, ignorant, and dumb as shit! The sad part is, even after they air each others dirty laundry they're going to be friends again in a week or so and right back on the same bullshit online a month later. I have not seen too many situations personally that have been created due to online gambling so I cannot speak on it, but I will say this...do not lose your family and fucking house for some bullshit online, that that shit to Vegas! Wanna catch a cheater?...that should be the title of new tv show or something, but people are so dumb! They are really dumb forreal! (Antoine Dodson voice) How easy is it to get caught cheating online?! well let's ask a few of the dumb asses that I know that have been "caught up" online...let's see it all starts when the girl your dating starts looking at your page and sees a particular female writing you shit like "hey babe", "hey boo", the kissy face smiley, and the all-time famous! "why didn't you text me back last night?" I do not condone cheating at all, I think it's the most cowardly thing a person could ever do to another, but cmon now! Another way to catch a cheater online...you don't need their password or nothing... the infamous unwanted or unknowingly photo's that were tagged on Facebook will serve you right. Remember how she said she wasn't going out on Saturday night, but then all of a sudden you see some tagged pics of her posted on Sunday afternoon, the very next day with her all hugged up sitting on the dudes lap who she said was "just a friend" from her physics class?...we have a word for that where I'm from...bullshit! The funniest part about catching a cheater online is the confrontation of the person who cheated...but do these people have enough sense to meet up, text, or call each other like grown civilized people? If you answered "no" you have a fucking brain! If you answered "yes" you must be the most naive motherfucker on the face of the earth! First thing that happens is the subliminal status update or tweet that usually says "I'm done, fuck this bullshit!" then the person will go on their Facebook and change their status to single without the other person knowing, so know when the cheater wakes up and signs online first thing in the morning like everyone does these days they will be like "I'm single?" this is when the wall to wall war begins. Think I'm wrong? Just take a look for yourself. Everybody knows somebody or has a friend who is a cheater. Point blank and period folks is that the internet is awesome, fun, and very mysterious... but please please please do not let this awesome tool be the thing that burdens your lifestyle and potentially your future...it's just technology...not your brain...use it don't abuse and overuse it.
the realest thing ive read in 2011 so far...esp. the little segment on the subtweets and subliminal statuses on Facebook and Twitter. keep up the good work my man :)
I really enjoyed reading this lol
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