Lately my mind has been so tied up in Twitter, Tumblr, movies and things of that nature. I was also suffering from biggest case of writers block. I swear that shit is like a disease! Just last week I was talking to my best friend who is on her way to being an outstanding poet, and apparently she had writers block too and it looks like I caught the fucking bug too! I had been going back and forth in my head about what I should write about and what could inspire me. Nothing came along for a very long time. It has been like two weeks or so since my last post and that shit frustrates me, I hate not being able to process a full and complete subject or thought. Somebody actually called me a traitor for going to Tumblr and just posting things for fun: a few posts here, a song here and there and some new friends, nothing major just fuckery at its best. Since my last post I have come to the realization that winter, when you look beyond the holiday's and the white powdery stuff we call snow...winter is an ugly fucking season...no offense to the season you were born in if you were born in winter, I'm sure you are just beautiful...speaking of the season you were born in, let's talk about that new zodiac symbol bullshit that Minnesota Planetarium Professor Parke Kunkle came up with named "Ophiuchus". Now if that doesn't sound like a synonym for HERPES I don't know what does! This had everybody in a frenzy online for about 8 hours when they thought that they were going to have to claim another zodiac symbol because Ophiuchus changes the way the symbols are distributed, but sure enough all the hype died down when people found out the zodiac symbol change is only relevant if you were born after 2009. But I digress. Since the blizzards of last year, which most of us are still not over, and the way things look I can conclude that winter looks more grim than the original Cinderella story. Looking up at the sky is like looking up at a gray hell filled with black clouds and a crying sun behind it all. The ground looks discolored and boring as the snow begins to melt...and what the fuck is up with the snow turning black...that is depressing in it's own way. Women have to hide the parts about them I love the best aside from their brains. Breasts, legs, and toes go into hibernation until Spring rolls back around. Winter attire is very boring being it is often covered up by a big heavy ass coat and hairstyles go unknown because they're covered by hats and scarves. Couples do appear the happiest in the winter however, probably because they're getting the best gifts because of the holiday season and Valentine's Day and because it begins to feel like eternity...and then the end of Winter rolls around and everyone starts breaking up and acting brand new for the Spring and Summer because nobody likes being tied down when those two come to town. Yea Spring and Summer are like those two friends that are nothing more than bad influences who want you to become the old free spirited you and let loose. Let's face it, the old free spirited you was never tied down or had any type of responsibility outside of going to public school. It's a damn shame, I never noticed how fixated people are about being single for the spring and summer until last year on Twitter when it became so prevalent and common to see people tweet things like: "new season, new bait" or "I'm so glad I'm single now, just in time for spring." It is people with mentalities like this that HAVE NO BUSINESS IN RELATIONSHIPS IN THE FIRST PLACE. Its a fucking shame honestly, you invest six whole months or so in something you felt was real, and then you up and change with the seasons leaving people with the allergy of you from Spring and the heated misery created due to summer, none of these break ups and heartbreaks would occur if winter weren't so cold though. I'll just be happy when it is all over, winter that is. I want to wear shorts and a wife beader everywhere I go, eat outside at the restaurants downtown, and drive with my windows down and my music turned all the way up. Fuck this snow! Fuck the cold! Fuck the groundhog that decides if our winter is going to be longer or shorter!...we might as well let George W. Bush pick our country's fights again if we're leaving all seasonal fate up to a fucking rodent who is scared of it's own shadow! Last but not least...FUCK THE HEARTBREAK that is waiting right around the corner at the end of the season! As I look out of my window, which looks like a wintery hell...I cannot help but rewind my life back to February of 2009 where I got lucky enough to dodge this place filled with snow and heartache to begin another chapter in my life in Orlando, Florida..hell I was there this time last year. But this time last year I was in Florida for a second time except last time I was in love with someone who crushed me at the end of the season...so like I said, Fuck the winter and all it brings.
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