Thank God winter is almost over! I hate these clothes, the lack of color in the atmosphere, and most of all the bitter cold in the air. The only thing that seems to be floating through the air more than the cold is rumors about people; the only difference is that rumors float through the air every season of the year. Are people really that fucking bored with their lives that they have to pick a random individual to create a falsified story about a person just to make themselves feel better? They say that words don't hurt, true, but the way a person is treated after a rumor has been spread does hurt. I mean...most rumors are usually about the dumbest, most childish, most unbelievable things in the world. Do you really think I give two shits whose dick that girl sucked? I mean if the rumor is being told to me from a girl I'm definitely thinking "you up here telling me as if giving head is a crime! You bound to suck a dick or two in your life time too! So what makes that story so special?" Dudes run around calling girls "hoes" or "easy" because a girl they heard about has just up and fucked everybody, I don't get it. The dudes are either mad that she turned them down at a party, even while she was drunk (and you know you ain't dong something right when a drunk person turns you down for ANYTHING!)or they are jealous of all the guys she has given up sex to so they have to create some story about her and try to find some way to make her feel awful when she is feeling awesome. (Food for thought; spreading rumors about a girl who won't give you the time of day will definitely NOT help you in pursuing her or any other female, they know everything...or think they do.) Us males and our double standards, we can run through a couple girls and be considered THE MOTHERFUCKING MAN, but don't let a girl go and do the same thing...she will have to walk around with a goddamn 'A' stitched on her shirt right above her right titty for the rest of her college career. It seems that our generation is obsessed with making celebrities out of people in our friends circle under the darkest of lights. If you are always around people that gossip, or partake in gossiping or are always talking shit about people what makes you think that your friends do not gossip about you once you left the room too? Trust me, they talk up a storm about everything from what you were wearing, how often you annoy them, who you're talking to, and who you're fucking but will smile in you face once you come back from the bathroom five minutes later. I guess people with friends who gossip assume they are exempt from being a target as well, you're not. The people you associate yourself with are most likely people who bare traits that you have, even the negative ones. Ladies and gentlemen, though gossiping may seem fun, innocent, and even relieving while you are doing it amongst "friends", reality is that damage is actually being done to the person you're gossiping about as far as their reputation goes in the eyes of other people. Most people sit up there and say "I don't care what people think of me." This is more times than not a lie or just a barrier they have up so they won't get hurt. Sometimes people don't even gossip to people they know, they will tell anybody just for the sake of their story being heard. They will be on some Forrest Gump shit and just randomly start talking to a stranger at a bus stop, the store...hell even the damn cashier about who made out with who at the party over the weekend. We have created an airborne version of the tabloids and made our friends personal lives the front page headline for no reason at all.
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