Twitter! Facebook! It all consumes me...Twitter more than Facebook of course...they should have had a movie about Twitter first dammit! Who the hell sat there and thought to themselves "hmm...I want people to be aware of every though and action that is taking place in my life via internet...but how can I do this?" Whoever this intelligent fucker was, they were brilliant in creating this awesome site, raise the roof! But what I have noticed from Twitter is that everybody has a different interpretation of love. Yes LOVE...AMOR...SARANG...MAHAL...AMOUR...ELSKE...or my favorite RAKASTAA! But it seems that everyone is in a rush to do things when it comes to romance! Not just dating, sex, or hanging out...but marriage which is really scary. People are so quick to label their boyfriend or girlfriend of 2 months or 2 weeks as their "husband" or "wife" whoa whoa whoa! When the fuck did simple pet names become synonyms for the the establishment of marriage! Marriage, is becoming the new hell, let alone a joke! No wonder so many people would rather stay in long term relationships rather than making a legal transaction of vows and rings. Most marriages these days are unfortunately ending in divorce or are filled with physical and verbal forms domestic violence and the all too infamous form of betrayal...cheating. I think most people are in love with the idea of marriage...thank your television ladies and gentlemen! Thank the idiot box for promoting the most false images of what marriage is these days. Sure marriage on television looks all lovey dovey, but even Marge and Homer know how to talk and work their problems out, they don't assume that the situation will just blow over and disappear all of a sudden. I am not against the idea of marriage by any means, I do eventually want a wife and family of my own one day...but I damn sure do not want anything of the sort right now while I am in school working on being prepared for the real-world, or this damn economy that is making school a safe haven from the real-world. Thank God I now have the desire to pick up a double major next semester. I am currently a TV production major, and to compliment it I will double-major in theater! Yes I like to be in front of the camera, but I digress. I had a conversation with a young girl not too long ago, troubled most of her life, and she told me that she was going to have this dudes baby to keep him around and possibly to have a family with him. Damn shame this is the mentality of so many other young girls in the country who feel they have to have a child young to keep a guy around for love and affection. With the way my species (Men) are going about things these days, having a baby is almost like spraying repellent around yourself. I've sat in many youth awareness groups and the topic of men dating women with children arose, and most of the boys in the group reacted like lunatics shouting out "aww hell no!" Me personally, it doesn't matter...it is not like the girl I'm interested in is asking me to raise her kid or be the father, but you must understand that that child's father could possibly be around her when it comes time to spend time with the child, and whether you like it or not, that is the way it is. Can you handle the presence of another man who has shared romance with the girl your interested in is the issue...are you that mature and secure? I know I'm not that is why I try not to get involved with women with kids...even though I'll admit I have the biggest crush on a girl who just had a kid...what can I say? She's gorgeous...sue me! You can't help who you like...kids or not...sometimes I think it's unfair for people write-off people who are young with kids. You see it all the fucking time! But anyways...back to the point...we are far too young to be worried about relationships and MARRIAGE while we are all trying to better ourselves for the future and change the world...the relationship possibilities will be there forever...so what's the rush? For those in relationships right now, madly in love, at a young age....I wish you all the best and hope it lasts...but keep your eyes on the prize and trust me it isn't necessarily the person you call your significant other.
ugh! I hate when I read ur blog, and I go to comment and I see no one else has shown you love. Mahalkita si Foster, and ur blogs as well. Im interested in getting a deeper take on this topic with you. perhaps because I love how open and articulate you are with topics. This is all so true with women and men, you have the mature but confused women, with the immature and "set in their ways" men....smh shame if u ask me, what I dont understand is why at the age off 22 do men still shy away from these responsibilities, and why when they can't articulate....they shut down. well...we'll talk later....I have alot of questions from the male perspective I'd love for you to answer ;)
I agree it doesn't seem any one respects the sanctity of marriage any more.
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