"I ain't scared of you muthafuckas!...I'm tired of the shit!" Words spoken by the late GREAT Bernie Mac on Def Comedy Jam sometime ago in the 1990's. It sucks that a comedian of his caliber is now deceased and that our kids kids will never know how influential and awesome his comedy and content was. I went home this past Friday to see my family and relax for the weekend, like I usually do...or try to do. I have been living in and out of a suitcase for the past month or so around campus (Towson University) at friends dorms and apartments. I just want them to know that I truly appreciate them so much for giving me a place to stay. As soon as I get my money together for my tags and my car repairs, I want to treat them to something nice...or better yet get them all something for Christmas...they deserve it for being that damn generous...and Christmas season is right around the corner. So, when I was home I decided to go to the city and go for a nice long walk to relax my mind for a bit; things have been so hectic at home lately since my sister got put out and sent to Virginia, and honestly I cannot stand going home at times...it is always some sort of issue waiting for me as soon as I drop my bags in the fourer. But this past Friday, I did not have to wait til I got home for my problems to begin. The problem I faced was a universal problem felt by thousands throughout the area actually, the MetroRail system.

I do not know where to start with these assholes! They are like a drug! Everybody knows they are no good whatsoever, but everybody keeps running back to them more and more because without it we would lose our damn minds!...Oh I know...I'll start with the trip back home to Largo! I waited at the Metro Center stop for damn near 30 minutes for a train to pull into the fucking station! on a Friday! After that the train moved all of five stops maybe and then I end up at Eastern Market, stuck for forty-five minutes! Why?! Because these assholes ultimately decided to start doing track work for Saturday on a Friday night! Who does that?! To make matters worse, they made all of us customers go above ground and catch a fucking shuttle to another location! Now I'm not afraid of being in bad neighborhoods...but there is a line that needs to be drawn when you take a couple hundred aggitated, frustrated, and tired individuals and drop them off on Benning Road! Benning Road isn't the toughest, by far isn't that threatening, but the combination was one for disaster! For some reason the Metro always wants to run slower or shut down stations ON WEEKENDS when it's patrons utilize it the most to head to malls or the city for events. The Metro's excuse for the delays and shut down stations? Track maintenance. The Metro has been doing track maintenance for almost five years now, when does the fuckery end?! The rails are not broken, they are not bound by dead bodies, no trains have crashed within the last year...what is the fucking maintenance for?! Now for some reason, Metro has ironically increased their fares with the decrease in customer satisfaction and inconvenience...now ain't that a beotch?! I remember when I use to cost all of $1.35 minimum to ride the Metro...in less than six years the minimum has increased to $1.95...now sixty cents may not seem like much, but imagine you were a tourist with a family (kids included) that sixty hike per fare card can be a bit costly when you plan on going to various destinations for a trip, or if you are a local who just wants to mall hop on a Saturday. It's just unfair to everybody! I won't even begin to speak about the differences in on-peak and off peak fares! I'm not going to go into my grandparents world and talk about how "back in my day things were so much cheaper..." because I am far too young to be talking like that...but I will say that I understand what my grandparents mean when they say "shit just cost too damn much these days!" I don't know if you have been following the news, but a 65 year old karate teacher and military veteran in Brooklyn, NY ran for governor of New York in last weeks elections with the campaign slogan of "The Rent is Too Damn High"...the guy literally looked like Colonel Sanders (aka the KFC Man) Did he win the election? Hell no! But he did get 24,000+ votes from the people who agreed with his notions that the rent in NYC is in fact "Too damn High!" Just like the fares for the Metro! Have they even selected a president or head of Metro yet? Last time I heard they were forming a fucking "selection committee" to basically come in and recruit a person who is qualified for the job...where the hell is Monster.com? where the hell is Craiglist?! Where the hell is the hiring manager?! I had a government job over the summer, and they paid for my fare on the Metro...but I must say as a taxpayer and a person who knows other tax payers whose tax dollars go to funding the Metro, I feel shitty knowing that our money goes toward nothing positive! I swear to God this Purple Line they are now constructing better have God embedded in the tracks or I am going to begin a personal boycott of this Metro system! I would love to encourage others to begin considering a boycott of their own, but I'm not trying to inspire a revolt against a system that damn near everyone in the working-class utilizes in the DMV area. I just wish that the Metro would stop raising the prices and lowering their grade of service!
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