For the past couple of weeks I have been having the most vivid and horrifying nightmares beyond imagination. In one dream I damn near ran around the world to get things needed to save my mother from dying, and I failed tremendously. Then last night, I had a nightmare about a movie theater that was racist and the motherfuckers only had 6 parking spots! And to top it all off my dog (Gracie) somehow got so hurt that the bottom part of her jaw came off. She was laying in the floor just crying because she was in such pain, and the only way to take her out of her misery was to put her to sleep. I know that doesn't seem too bad, but when you actually see and hear something (an animal) that you are THAT close to in pain it has a way of shaking you up when you snap out of the nightmare. I actually enjoy my nightmares, they provide my nighttime entertainment, but as of lately, I am not a fan of who my nightmares have been starring...people or things that I love. But! I do have a nightmare that is prevalent even when I am awake, this nightmare is one that the world has been plagued with for decades now...HIV/AIDS...the worst part of the nightmare is that people are STILL ignorant to this day about the virus! It got Wilt Chamberlain, buried Eazy-E, capped Magic Johnson, ruined Africa, and is now beginning to affect millions under the age of 25! But yet people still have that "oh it could never happen to me." mentality. Why? I don't know! I hear some of my friends, both male and female say, "Condoms take away from the pleasure" "she's on the pill." or my all time fucking favorite! "we both know our status so what's the big deal?" Oh I don't know dumb ass, how about the slight possibility of infidelity with someone who actually DOES have the virus, and if you do know your status which is always a huge bonus, how about preventing unwanted pregnancies?! Yea the other OTHER P word that isn't just talking about genitalia. People lay down with just about anyone these days not really giving a damn about that persons previous sexual record or how fertile they are! Okay Okay, I'm just kidding about the fertility thing who can really judge that?, but seriously I know and have plenty of friends who absolutely hate their BABY MAMA or BABY "FOVA" who they hardly know because it was just suppose to be "a quick hook-up" <<<------WE HAVE GOT TO DO BETTER THAN THIS PEOPLE! Grow up, slap a condom on, use lube if you have to, and do like BET said back when it was actually cool to watch and "WRAP IT UP!" or in my own words, "WRAP IT THE FUCK UP!" I love sex! I love it by the pound! I'll be happy when they start selling that shit in cans! I cannot sit up here and act like I never rode in the car without my seat belt on before, because I have...and that is exactly why I sit my ass up there in the doctor's office and my room nervous every time I take a blood test or scared at the thought that my little soldiers (sperm) could have possibly gotten somebody pregnant...and the last time I did it without a condom was THE LAST TIME!...well the last time I'm doing it without protection until marriage. I know my status... and as of October I'm HIV negative and proud! The thing about the virus that frightens me most is knowing that is something that you just can't take a shot to kill, take a shower to wash off, or apply cream to and it will disappear in a few days...that shit is everlasting until they find this so-called cure; you wake up and go to bed with it everyday...it becomes a part of your life...it changes your life.

I am one of the believers who think that they have found a cure years ago?...my theory on where it came from does not matter to me. I took a human sexuality class a year ago and the book said that some people figured that the HIV/AIDS virus was "God's punishment to the gays", "it was put here to discipline horny teenagers", and that "came from two white men in Africa" (who the fuck can spot two white men in Africa?!) All of those sound very ignorant and far-fetched if you ask me. It does not matter where it came from, all that matters is how we can protect ourselves from it now and how to get it out of here in the future. The virus does not discriminate at all, even though some tend to think otherwise. Look who it has taken, look who it has in its grasp now! I'm damn well sure that you do not want to be a victim of something so easy to prevent; it is not like it is airborne or anything. Condoms are everywhere...their like the Starbucks of sex! There are plenty of places offering tests for free! And I know how much people LOVE free shit in these hard economic times! They do free testing at colleges, clinics, hell do something positive with YouTube if you have to and put your Trey Songz or Nicki Minaj impersonation on hold and find out how to construct a "do it yourself HIV test" yea they have that shit on YouTube and Google (who powers my blog), how accurate is it? I have the slightest clue...I'm pretty sure it is not the best method to discover your status...I'm pretty sure people have actually scared themselves shitless or killed themselves after finding a positive result after doing those at home tests. I wrote this post in lieu of World AIDS Day which is tomorrow (December 1st). I don't believe that awareness for anything should be designated for a certain day or month, but be a year round acknowledgment, especially one pertaining to the HIV/AIDS virus...it's bad enough that Black folk get the shortest calendar month of the fucking year! Oh lord! I sound like a Black Panther Jehovah witness lunatic who has a way with words! I doubt I will wear any red to represent tomorrow, because I think shit like that is to be trendy and kinda takes away from the seriousness of what tomorrow really represents...who knows? I may end up with something red on tomorrow. In the mean time, if your in a college dorm I'm sure they have a big ass jar at the check in desk in the lobby that says "take as many as you need" and Costco sells them in bundles of like a thousand!...go get them and if you have extras because this month you have been striking out...share! Hell! I don't know, give them to the kids in your neighborhood...yea the middle schoolers are fucking like rabbits these days too, watch the news and you would be amazed! Oh yea don't forget the lube!
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